Younique Product Backorder Information

At times - we hope rarely - one of our products may sell out very quickly. We do our best to make sure this never happens, but in the event that it does, here is some information about what happens when you purchase a back ordered item.

About items that are on backorder

About Back Ordered Items

Here is a list of helpful facts about back ordered items:

  • Items you order in addition to the back ordered item will not be held back, and will ship out as normal.
  • The back ordered items in any order will automatically ship out as soon as Younique receives the items.
  • Product components may be shipped separately.
  • You will be notified via email once your back ordered items have shipped. You will not need to contact customer support, or do anything to follow up on the back ordered item. Tracking numbers for shipments can be found on both your order history page, and the order receipt. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours after an order has been upgraded to "shipped" status for its tracking number to appear.
  • You will not be charged any additional shipping fees for multiple shipments caused by back ordered items.
  • Younique's window of allowing the purchase of back ordered items is 30 days. If an item is unavailable to ship for 30 days or longer, that item will be made unavailable to order until the shipping estimate falls within 30 days of ordering. We will do our best to estimate when back ordered items are expected to ship, and post this information on the website, as well as update all customers who have purchased back ordered items.
  • Inventory Watchlist Page:
    This page is automatically updated with products that are placed on back order. This page defaults to your home market. To see back ordered products for other countries, change the market on your website (the country flags).